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Emotive expands its Account Team


Lucy Allen joins the Account Team having recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Human Biosciences. Having a strong interest in the healthcare sector, Lucy is looking to apply the knowledge gained during her studies in a creative and ambitious agency environment. Her unique experience in science communications will help emotive to continue delivering effective and innovative solutions for our clients.

Team Promotions

Anjani Patel, who joined the emotive team as an Account Executive at the beginning of 2014 has been promoted to Senior Account Executive. Anj’s promotion reflects her detailed and passionate client service. Anj, who came to emotive as a trained Pharmacist has proven herself to be an exceptional member of the Account Team. Throughout 2014 Anj has played an integral role in several industry leading projects, including a recently launched virtual reality project that takes users inside the human heart – a world’s first using Oculus Rift and Microsoft Kinect technology.

Adam Goodband joined emotive as a Strategic Planner in January 2014, having previously worked as a Medical Writer at Sanofi Pasteur MSD, has been promoted to Senior Strategic Planner. Adam’s promotion is well deserved as his unique blend of scientific copywriting skill and passion for innovative technology has allowed him to deliver strategic and data led insight that has led to the development of winning pitches and proposals throughout 2014.

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