Langland sponsor School of Communications arts - Advertising Health
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Langland sponsor School of Communications arts

Langland is sponsoring a scholarship to the ad-industry school for creatives, the School of Communication Arts, in memory of former Creative Director, And O’Donnell.

Originally founded by “the Pied Piper of creative talent”, John Gillard, the school was re-opened in 2010 by Marc Lewis, with support from advertising luminaries Tim Bell, John Hegarty and Rory Sutherland.

The school is like a working agency with students getting stuck into both live and portfolio briefs within a proper studio environment. The focus is on problem solving for brands and producing work that is not only highly creative but also with sound strategic insight. Students applying for a 2013-14 scholarship have been set a brief which tasks all entrants with identifying a problem in their life and how to go about solving it. We are hugely excited to see what the prospective students come up with and feel sure that And would be very proud to know that his contribution to Langland, and the advertising industry, is being honoured in this way.

Original article – http://beta.langland2013.co.uk/#/news/sca-scholarship