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Havas’ UK Nurofen campaign to cost £3m

Havas has created a new TV campaign to promote Reckitt Benckiser’s painkiller Nurofen in time for flu and cold season.

The campaign for Nurofen was launched on October 28 and will appear on prime time and key daytime TV across a range of terrestrial and other stations.

Part of a £3m promotional campaign, the ad will support the full New Nurofen Cold and Flu Adult range with an emphasis on the Nurofen Cold & Flu Relief GSL line.

The ad, which continues with the brand’s ‘Lives bigger than pain’ theme, is expected to reach more than 85 per cent of the UK’s adult population. It will underline how the Nurofen Cold & Flu range can help people carry on through the winter months without winter ailments taking charge…

Read the full article here – http://www.pmlive.com/pharma_news/havas_uk_nurofen_campaign_to_cost_3m_514119

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